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ready and certificated wine-cognac of production of Republic of Moldova

State Trade Mark



The excise stamp of the new type for alcohol and tobacco products is introduced in Moldova

From April 1, 2010, the excise stamp and state trademark of the new type for alcohol and tobacco products were introduced in Moldova. This decision was adopted by the Government at the today’s meeting.

As the Minister of Finance Veaceslav Negruta has specified, the new excise stamps differ in color and have a higher degree of protection.

It is planned that the excise stamps for alcohol and tobacco products of the old type will be valid till January 1, 2011. The Minister of Finance urged the market operators to sell the stocks of their products to that date. According to him, this situation will be discussed further in November.

According to Veaceslav Negruta, due to falsification of the current excise stamps the budget is strongly damaged. He noted that in recent years, sales of the excise stamps have declined by 50% - from 63.6 million leis in 2006 up to 27.8 million leis in 2009. The Minister of Finance stressed that this trend was due not only to economic crisis, but to more frequent cases of falsification of excise stamps.


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