13.04.2010Table grapes damaged by frosts
The severe winter did not allow reaching a record-breaking yield of table grapes in the amount of 500 thousand tons, which was earlier predicted for 2010.
Representatives of the viticulture and winemaking department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry told Infotag that the carried-out revision of the vineyards showed that they suffered by 18-20%.
If the industrial varieties were insignificantly bitten by frosts, so the table varieties were damaged very considerably. Experts estimate the damage at 60-70 thousand tons – the exact amount, which was necessary to raise notably the yield of 2009 – over 420 thousand tons.
As it should be expected, grape varieties, which are not very frost-resistant: Muscatel Hamburger, Cardinal, Victoria, Early Magarach, and Arcadia enjoyed increased demand, judging by the last year sales.
Agronomists assert if such ambitious program of the increase in the area of the vineyards of table grapes is implemented in Moldova, autumn expenses for earth covering or warming of the bushes should be envisaged, as it is made in the countries with instable winters.